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TEDxUniversityofGothenburg - Kerstin Johannesson - Oceans of Biodiversity
BAMBI KerstinJohannesson
Speciation 2010: Kerstin Johannesson - Parallel evolution of Littorina saxatilis
SoTalk: Regenerative oceans
Week 4: Living Oceans - Topic 4f - Biodiversity - Marine conservation
BONUS+ project BALTGENE, Kerstin Johannesson
#vetfestlive: Kerstin Johannesson (Prof, Marin ekologi) om återkolonisationen av vår marina miljö
Science Bulletins: Fishing for Marine Genes
Evolution - the origin and development of life
TEDxUniversityofGothenburg - Maria Sundin - Water - a necessity for life on Earth and other Planets
Sagar Media Inc @ Media Launch of Global Biodiversity Outlook 4
Connecting Biodiversity | Rachael Buzio | TEDxNorthernSydneyInstitute